Ron DeSantis | Certified Master Chef
Chefs know delicious food and chefs prefer this one plant-based meat over all others. Hungry Planet® has cracked the code on truly delicious and demonstrably nutritious plant-based meats. How? Unlike other plant-based proteins created in a lab, chefs crafted Hungry Planet® Plant-Based meats to be just as scrumptious, if not more, than conventional meat.
Why Chefs Love Plant-Based Meats
Making the change to a plant-based diet can seem as though it would be overwhelming. When deciding what to feed your body, animal foods, or plant foods, there’s a lot to consider. While we don’t guarantee weight loss or a risk of heart disease, there are many health benefits of eating a plant-based diet. These are some of the many reasons chefs love using Hungry Planet in their nutritious recipes.
Who is Hungry Planet’s Master Chef On Staff
Chef Ron DeSantis has a long list of accomplishments behind his name. He headed up Yale Dining for several years. This is why we partnered with him to develop our plant-based meats. We don’t develop our meat alternatives in a science lab like many of our competitors; we prioritize taste and nutrition. With the help of Master Chef Ron, we have developed Master Chef’s favorite plant-based meat alternative.